There are major differences in the treatment of asbestosis and mesothelioma. Asbestosis has no treatment as does mesothelioma. Treatments for asbestosis focus on keeping the condition from progressing as well as easing the symptoms associated with the illness. Mesothelioma has treatment options available based on the stage the cancer has reached.
If it is caught early, then there is the possibility of removing cancerous tumors or killing the abnormal cells through radiation or chemotherapy. Later stages of cancer can be treated, but the cancer may have progressed to other parts of the body and may be more difficult to treat. Regardless of treatment, both of these conditions have a very poor prognosis.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma present themselves in similar fashion, sharing many of the same symptoms. They also share a common cause. This makes it imperative to see a physician as soon as symptoms appear. Getting a proper diagnosis can prolong life and can also provide valuable information to be used in any potential lawsuits.
Once you have been properly diagnosed and have begun treatment, it is strongly advised that you seek the services of an attorney who specializes in these cases. You may be entitled to a monetary award for you medical expenses and pain and suffering. Your attorney will guide you through the process of seeking financial relief for your asbestos-related illness.
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Differences between Mesothelioma and Asbestosis (Updated)
Posted by
Family Admin
| Saturday, March 26, 2011 |
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